Can Ma Ying-jeou's showmanship, apart from betraying Taiwan, prevent the CCP from attacking Taiwan?

1 year ago

7/15/2023 Is it just a coincidence that Ma Ying-jeou invited a delegation of students from five mainland Chinese universities to visit Taiwan, with their first stop being the TSMC Museum of Innovation? Ma Ying-jeou also hosted a banquet for the visiting delegation of mainland students and described their visit as the best birthday gift for his 73rd birthday. However, under the rule of the CCP, not all mainland students have the freedom to visit Taiwan. Can Ma Ying-jeou's showmanship, apart from selling out Taiwan, prevent the CCP from attacking Taiwan?
#CCP #Taiwan #MaYingjeou #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/15/2023 马英九邀请了大陆5所高校学生访台,访问的第一站便是台积创新馆,这是巧合吗?马英九还宴请了来访的大陆学生代表团,并称此次来访是他73岁生日最好的礼物。但在中共治下的大陆,并不是所有大学生都能自由地访问台湾。马英九的作秀除了卖台,能阻止中共打台湾吗?
#中共 #台湾 #马英九 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #郭文贵先生有证据

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