Ep 62 N8 14th Jul 23 - Discovering Weapons of Law

1 year ago

An awesome in depth insight from Liz into -
C19 Health Response Act 2020 - Authorised enforcement persons - https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2020/0012/latest/LMS344191.html

Was Worksafe in there?

Health and Safety At Work Act Section 191 - Designated Agencies

Designated Agencies must be listed in the gazette and scope of work plus other details must be listed in the gazette as well!

Was it? No!!

Tune in to find out the juicy details!

03:51 Liz: Looking at the authorisations can be passed down the line – Section 18 COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 - Authorised enforcement persons – Section 191 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Designated agencies – Worksafe controlled by HSWA – Section 5 Public Service Act 2020 – Interpretation, does not include ports and borders – Gazette and must specify the scope of the designated agencies role – Liz couldn’t find any authorisations gazetted during 2020-22

09:37 Liz: However the authorisations in the NZ Gazette to companies making money from the jab order were plenty – Revocation and Replacement—Authorisations and Exemptions of Point of Care Tests – Authorised Bloomfield who was The Director General of Health – Example Siemen Healthcare Ltd – Engine search for Siemens+Nazi – Came up as forced labour – Roche, Chemical firms exploited Nazi links, probe found – Research the other companies and chemicals

17:00 Liz: Novartis - Transfers of value, “paying” nurses and Doctors for educational meetings – Ca-ching for those on the list

23:05 Liz: Assisted Dying Services Notice 2021 – Purpose of This Notice – Euthanisa is killing – Who gets paid – Equity of access = everyone gets a chance for it – Funding and Claiming – Scope of funding, they still make bank and get travel expenses under Scope of Funding a. to e.

30:05 Liz: Bloomfield – Education department isn’t listed as an enforcer - Schedule 3 COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 – Vaccinations, Item, doses of COVID-19 vaccine and Administration requirements – Keeping an eye out for the names of the Drs and nurses on the profit lists – Get paid to go on the councils of evil, Medical Council and Midwifery – Mix and match jab requirements – Vaccinators should have been gazetted – People who got gazetted to issue warrants under Search and Surveillance Act 2012

37:37 Liz: Must come under the HSWA – Ants charge was under the old Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 – Charge was in the designation of vehicle registration, what the?? – Open chat – Section 168 HSWA 2015 info in gov websites need to be destroyed, therefore no evidence available for the “patent” ownership – Gloriavale – Claims for cultural redress

41:32 Liz: Karen & Liz open chat

1:20:00 Liz: Raising & lodging, not filing for courts – Vehicle registration for all of those lovers of maritime law Theory, which is not conspiracy theory

Content links

Section 18 COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 - Authorised enforcement persons

Section 191 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Designated agencies

Revocation and Replacement—Authorisations and Exemptions of Point of Care Tests


List of companies involved in the Holocaust

Roche - Article: Chemical firms exploited Nazi links, probe found

Novartis – Financial Transparency - Transfers of value – “Paying” nurses and Doctors for hosting educational sessions

Assisted Dying Services Notice 2021

Schedule 3 COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 – Vaccinations

Search and Surveillance Act 2012

Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 – Repealed 2016

From the chat

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