Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie - These Are the Days to Rest in God - With Notes & Captions

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Good morning, everybody! Today is Thursday, June 22nd, 2023, and I decided to do another live show this morning for you. I have another prophetic word to share with you. It's very, very short, probably about four minutes long or less. I'm gonna share my screen with you again. This was another prophetic word I received that day on June 8th. It was during a long prayer call with the ministry team, and the Lord had just given several different prophetic words out. This was the third one for me to give out to the public, and it's called 'It's Time to Rest in God' or 'These Are the Days to Rest in God.' Again, it occurred on June 8th.

Before I get to that, if you have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at under our contact page. Or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa 52807.

And again, for all of you who do not know, this prayer team prays for each and every one of you. We pray over all of our viewers. We pray for our partners because we love you, because we appreciate you, and we know that God has something special for each and every one of you. Sometimes, with certain families, we are left alone and don't have anybody to agree with us in prayer. But it says in God's word that one can put a thousand to flight, but two can put ten thousand. So, a lot of people think that they're alone in this battle, but you are not alone. God has this team here for you, praying with you in agreement of the things that you are believing God for. This is where we unite the body of Christ. We have become united because we are in a battle. We're in a war with our enemy. He's got a lot of strategic things that he does against the body of Christ, and that's the reason for all these ministries being out all around the world—to let you know the power of God's word, the power and authority that you have in Jesus' name, and who you are in Christ. And that you are not in this by yourself, because you have the greater One on the inside of you.

I know I probably quote that every single day, but it's really important for a child of the Most High God to know who you are, to know that you're not alone, to know you have the greater One on the inside of you. And so, when you're facing these really hard battles, and you're facing this darkness, and you're facing these impossibilities, and you're facing these things where you do feel like you're utterly alone, and that no one understands or no one cares or no one's on your side and no one's with you, God is always on your side. God is with you, and He will never leave you, and He will never forsake you. And so, in this prophetic word, these are the days to rest in God."

"These are the days to rest in God. Yes, I was right that time. These are the days to rest in God. And so, He has given me several different scriptures that, after I share this clip from this prophetic word that we received on our prayer call, God has given me several different scriptures to give to you, to teach you even in the days of so much unrest, even in the days of serious craziness and chaos, we have the ability to rest in God.

I know that's not easy. You have to be very disciplined and remind yourself, 'Today, I have to rest in God.' Because if we're not resting in God, then our enemy is winning. Because he is giving you anxiety, he's giving you fear and worry, and he's taking your attention off of God and on him and everything that he can do. So, we have to be disciplined and remind ourselves, 'I'm going to be focused on God.' And even though my life may feel like it's falling apart, even though everything in my life feels like it's going in the wrong direction, even though I may feel like I'm in a dark hall with no light at the end of this tunnel, even though it looks like I'm in an impossible situation after one situation after another, and it looks like nothing's getting better, God is saying you have the ability to rest in Him because He is the Prince of Peace.

And so, I'm going to give you these scriptures after I share this prophetic word with you. But again, these are times where we have to know who we are in Christ. Remember, it says in God's word, in Philippians 4:13, that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We don't have to do all these things in our own strength, our own ability, our own wisdom, knowledge, understanding. It is Christ's ability, His wisdom, His knowledge, His understanding. And that's why you have to know who you belong to, and you belong to the Most High God, the creator of Heaven and Earth.

And again, like I said yesterday when I was on with Marty yesterday, if you guys missed that live show with Marty Grisham from Loud Mouth Prayer, go and watch it. I'll make sure I have that link in the description box. If I don't have that yet, I will put it there after I'm done. Because it was about the importance of prayer, how to pray. There are different kinds of prayer, but having boldness and confidence and assurance that when you are praying, you know that God hears you and that He's going to answer you. So again, it's so important in these days that we're living in to know how to pray.

Okay, there are different types of prayer, but to know how to pray. That was an amazing live show. I love being on with Marty, and I love doing events with Marty. We did a prayer retreat with Marty and his team, and it was so powerful. The anointing was so strong. And I've seen him at the Reawaken, and I've seen them at different places with miracles after miracle after miracle with him and his wife, Jenny. So again, if you guys did not watch that live stream, go and watch it. But the importance of the power of prayer.

Now, I just want to say good morning to each and every one of you, no matter where you are, if you're in this country, if you're around the world. And one of these days, I think I might even do this tomorrow, okay? Now, the Lord may change this, so alright. So tomorrow, what I want to do with the live show, I will be doing one, I think, and I want to do something maybe like a question and answer session, getting to know you guys a little bit more or answering frequently asked questions and what's on your hearts and what you really would like to have answered. I really am going to pray into that because it's something that the Lord has really been putting on my heart to do. Now, I'm going to try to do that because there's two different..."

Comment sections and so, I'd have to have two different screens open, so bear with me if I do decide to do that tomorrow. Um, I really want to know more about what's on your hearts, and I know I have team members here that let me know your emails. They share them with me, um, again, and what is frequently asked, but also the prayer requests that are common in so many of you. And so again, we pray over those all the time. But I want to do something that's very different, and the Lord has led me to just kind of say whatever and do whatever He wants me to say and do. So tomorrow's live show might be a little bit different, so let's just see what God has in store for each and every one of us tomorrow.

Okay, I'm going to share my screen with you here, and I will get back on as soon as the prophetic word is done.

Rest in Me, no matter what you see. Rest in Me. There are things out there that will try to get your attention, to the right, to the left, to move this way, to move that way. I think this is happening when it's really something else. Rest in Me. I will say it and say it and say it until you get what I mean. This is the time to rest, not be anxious, not be weary, not be startled, not be afraid, not be hopeless or helpless, not be discouraged, not to be overwhelmed, and not to be agitated. Definitely not to be fearful in any way. I've made it easy. Remember what I've said in My Word. I do hear the cries of My people. I do see, and I will do something greater and mightier than you would have asked of Me. I say in My Word that My thoughts are higher than yours, and they are not thinking that you can't come up higher. I am the Comforter. I am the Prince of Peace. I've seen so many of My children struggle with peace. They've struggled with fear and anxiety. They've struggled with discouragement and disappointment. They've struggled. So many tears have been shed. They didn't need to. They only knew how I see them, how I see their circumstances, how I see the things going on around the world. They'd be less frightened, less agitated, and less discouraged. The key is to not be distracted. Give Me your time, and I will give you rest, a rest that you have never known, the peace that you've never known, a joy that you've never known. I will give you these things if you just give Me time to show you all that I can do and I have for you, saith the Lord.

Okay, so in that prophetic word, again, it wasn't very long, but I felt the compassion of the Lord come upon me, and it was speaking again, and it was about rest. And a lot of people, like He said in that prophetic word, are not at rest right now. They have no peace at all. They have no joy, which is the joy of the Lord is our strength. And God is saying there is an ability right now, even in the midst of all of this chaos and craziness, that you have the ability to receive peace. Why? Because you have the ability to receive the Prince of Peace. He's our Prince of Peace.

So, even though there are things that are going on around you in your own life, you have the ability to receive. Why? Because you can receive from Him. It's a gift He's given you. These things. He's saying, "Hey, I am the Prince of Peace. I will give you all the peace in the world that you need to overcome every circumstance, every test, every trial. It is my promise to you because that's who I am. That's who God is. He's our Prince of Peace."

And you can find that scripture. Now, write these scriptures down. You can find that scripture in Isaiah, Isaiah chapter 9, and it's verse 6. Isaiah 9 and verse 6. And he says, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Prince of Peace. And then it goes on to say in verse 7, "Of the increase of His government and peace, there will be no end." I'm going to read verse 7 again. "Of the increase of His government and peace, there will be no end." That's Isaiah 9, and that's six through seven.

And then I'm going to read the Amplified Bible on that one. For verse 7, "Of the increase of His government and of peace, there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from the latter time forth, even forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."

So, He's saying forevermore we have a guaranteed right, one of our Redemption rights, because of what Jesus has done and who God is and what His promises say. Is that we have a right to have peace. Your enemy will try to cause everything to steal that peace from you. He will do everything in his ability to steal peace from you. And if he can steal that peace, he's going to steal your joy. And if he can steal your joy, he will steal the ability for you to be able to stand up in the fight, in the battle, and prosper against him. That's why in the midst of war, in the midst of the battle, God says that we walk by faith and not by sight, and that we fight the good fight of faith. So, we're fighting something. And if we know the strategies of our enemy, if we know what he's going to do, then we can stop that. He will not be able to prosper against us, and he will not be able to win in that battle.

So, one of the things that you have to do is, one, you've got to protect the peace. Is it Julie? "I don't have any." God is the Prince of Peace. You ask Him for it. All you have to do is ask. Remember, ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened. All we have to do is ask. It also says in God's word, "We have not because we ask not." How is He going to give it to you? His promise is He will. There are many different situations that I have had to ask Him for peace, and I've gotten it every time. I've asked, He's given it to me.

And so, another thing, in Acts chapter 3 and verse 19. Listen to this, Acts chapter 3 and verse 19.

4620 E 53RD STREET
COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International


Rest in Me, attention, right, left, move, anxious, weary, startled, afraid, hopeless, helpless, discouraged, overwhelmed, agitated, fearful, easy, cries of My people, see, greater, mightier, thoughts, Comforter, Prince of Peace, struggle, fear, anxiety, discouragement, disappointment, tears, circumstances, world, less frightened, less agitated, less discouraged, distracted, time, rest, peace, joy, show, saith the Lord.

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