07/16/2023 –11 am, “Caleb - Obey God”

1 year ago

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07/16/2023 – Sunday Morning Worship 11 am, Mike Fairclough, Preacher, “Caleb - Obey God.”

Music Selections:
“Holy Ground,” Words and Music by C. Beatty, Copyright © 1982 Universal Music/Brentwood Benson Publishing/Birdwing Music, Used By Permission – CCLI License No. 20996308;

“Holy Ground,” Words and Music by G. Davis, Copyright © 1983 by Meadowgreen Music Co./Songchannel Music), Used by Permission – CCLI License No. 20996308;

“I’ll Never Forsake My Lord,” words and music by Mrs. D.C. Snoddy and L.O. Sanderson, Copyright © 1935. Renewed 1963 L.O Sanderson (Leon Sanderson), Used By Permission– CCLI License No. 20996308;

“Zion’s Call” words and music by J.R. Baxter, Jr., Copyright © 1944 Bridge Building (BMI), Used By Permission – CCLI License No. 20996308.

All other selections are in the Public Domain and are not subject to copyright.

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