Jeanette Archer's International SRA Conference - Rachel Vaughan presentation

1 year ago

This is my 27 minute presentation which was shared digitally at Jeanette Archer’s International SRA Conference - aired live on the 16th of July 2023.

I am uploading this information separately as it was not easy to see on the screen the details of the photographic evidence presented.

Here is the original link to the conference. Please watch and share:

Jeanette’s beautiful introduction of my presentation begins at 5 hours, 44 minutes in.

This conference had the task of making the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse undeniable. Jeanette has achieved this with her incredible line up of international speakers, and everyone else who helped put the conference together. It is hoped that others might now use this as a template to present their own conferences.

Satanic Ritual Abuse is a horrific reality. One that most people simply cannot stomach.

You cannot listen to these collective testimonies, from all around the world, and not see the commonalities between them. Between individuals who never knew one another when these abuses were occurring. But who all share some similarity in our nightmare childhoods.

As Anneke Lucas proves so eloquently in her presentation (4 hours 30 mins in) – this cannot be explained away by ridiculous theories such as those put forward by the paedophiles and paedophile protectors who fabricated the false memory foundation.

It’s time for the world to accept the reality of SRA. So that we can launch proper education campaigns to help the greater community to look out for the signs that these cults are active.

So we can have ears to listen to those who are still caught in the cults and desperate to get out; expose those creatures who are operating them; and finally stamp out these horrendous crimes against children.

We are at a pivotal point in the collective enlightenment of humanity.

Conferences like Jeanette’s are pivotal in initiating that awakening.

Please share far and wide.

Supporting SRA Survivors facebook page:

Child Trauma International Charity:

Rachel Vaughan channel addresses:

Please sign the petition to exhume the remains of the three Beaumont children from a sink hole at Rachel’s father Alan Maxwell McIntyre's former property at Stansbury on the Yorke Peninsula (South Australia)

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