Australians are being Censored! Are we going to say NO?!

1 year ago

The " Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill" This effects our freedom of speech. This is happening world wide! See who is excluded, you might Not be surprised
United Nations behind this? AI involvement?
What has this to do with 'The Voice' now being touted by our Corporate Government in Australia.
Do you know about the Charter of the Commonwealth and our Human rights article 19. We can stop this by saying no.
Craig McManus My Place C.L.A.G. Gympie shares his research on the Combatting misinformation and Disinformation Bill Australia. Hear what Craig has discovered - together we make the difference. **Please share share share
all links here:
1)UN and their trickery see the 'words' they use
2)Have your say Australia before AUGUST 6
3)Proposed draft Bill:

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