What Can You Do with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME for Mom on 24/7 BiPAP! There's No Quality of Life in ICU

1 year ago


What Can You Do with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME for Mom on 24/7 BiPAP! There's No Quality of Life in ICU

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from intensivecareathome.com, where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies. And where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units whilst providing quality service for long-term ventilated patients and medically-complex patients at home, including home TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition), including IV fluids, home BiPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), home CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) and so forth.

In today’s blog I want to answer a question from a reader, from Keith who says, “What can you do at home for my mother on 24/7 BiPAP in ICU. There is no quality of life in ICU.”

Now, Keith, I can appreciate that there’s absolutely no quality of life in ICU. I mean, I have worked in ICU for over 20 years in three different countries myself before I started setting up Intensive Care at Home successfully.

We help now dozens of clients at home, predominantly on the east coast in Australia. We are currently NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme), TAC (Transport Accident Commission) in Victoria, ICare in New South Wales, NIISQ (National Injury Insurance Scheme, Queensland) and DVA (Department of Veteran Affairs)-approved service provider. We have also received funding through the Department of Health as well as through public hospitals.

So in any case, I have seen patients like your mother in ICU over and over again, which led me to setting up Intensive Care at Home realizing that there is a need for home care. If someone is stuck in ICU on BiPAP and they can’t come off it, the option to go home must be there. It’s your choice. It’s not the hospital’s choice. And often, hospitals are bed blocked, they need the ICU bed desperately. And before they start talking about palliative care, you might as well get ahead, be proactive and start talking about taking your mother home.

We have a number of clients at home on BiPAP and we have looked after adults and children at home on BiPAP over the years, whether it was for weaning them off the BiPAP, whether it was for end of life care. Now, Keith, you haven’t said whether your mom can be weaned off the BiPAP. You haven’t said whether it’s potentially for palliative care. I presume your mom doesn’t have a tracheostomy, but it’s not clear from your question in any case, whether she does have a tracheostomy or she doesn’t, the bottom line is, there is no quality of life in ICU. And the best option for quality of life at home is Intensive Care at Home.

We are bringing the intensive care into your home or into your mom’s home with critical care, registered nurses 24 hours a day. It helps hospitals as well to free up their ICU beds and they’re the most sought after bed in a hospital, and it’s a win-win situation.

So, go home with a regular team. It’s not like in a hospital where staff change all the time. Today your mom might be looked after by this nurse tomorrow, she’s looked after by that nurse. Whereas at home, we are trying to create stable teams. So your mom has the same nurses over and over again who can build a relationship with her, who can understand her routine, who can understand her needs, inside out. That’s really what we’re specialized on with Intensive Care at Home.


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