July 16th, 2003: Romanov Church consecrated

1 year ago

The name roughly translates to “The Church on the Blood in Honour of All Saints Resplendent in the Russian Land” and stands on the site in Yekaterinburg where the last tsar of Russia, Emperor Nicholas II, and his family were executed.

The home which stood on the site was demolished in 1977, but the basement of the structure remained. Visitors still came to the barren location, despite the removal of the home, to remember the fallen family.

Finally, in 2000, approval was given to erect a church on the spot of the murders. Construction was completed in 2003, with the basement from the original home becoming a part of the present structure.

Special celebrations (also known as Feast Days) are held each year during July, accompanied by pageants, masses and processions held in remembrance of the Romanov Dynasty.
About ten miles outside Yekaterinburg, the seven chapels at Ganina Yama mark the mine shaft where the Romanov bodies were first buried.

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