2345 games bowled become a better Straight/Hook ball bowler #168 with the Brooklyn Crusher 7-15-23

1 year ago

Bowled 45 games. I used a 15lb basket ball & a 16lb watermelon polyester plastic balls & rev hooked them in. I was showing why & when you move your foot position from board to board. at first I tried it with my thumb in the ball but my thumb kept hanging in the ball so then I throw with NO thump in &palmed the ball & used only fingers to put life on the ball to show what the ball should look like to have a good hook ball.
The problem when you use just your fingers & NO thumb is you either need to palm the ball or use 2 hands like Packy Hanrahan does. when you only palm the ball one handed you LOSE half your speed MPH forward. I've tried the 2 handed release but it slows the ball even more when I do it that way. Packy throws 20 plus MPH witch is PRO-bowlers speed so it works perfect for Packy & many other Pro-bowler.
I started out using a high hooking ball & could NOT use it one handed & just my fingers because it would hook off the lane no matter where I throw it. its because I can only throw one handed with just my fingers around 10 MPH & the lanes were WAY to dry for that. I sacked that ball & used the polyester plastic balls to take off hook & that worked good. even then I had to throw the ball FAST FORWARD HIGH MPH. this is why it took me too long to bowl 45 games. I had to stop at 10pm do to glow ball. I bowled from 5:30 to 10pm or 4.5 hours.
Remember when voting you can WRITE in ANY person you feel you want as president so if for some reason Trump can't run or is done in by this weaponized COMMUNIST democrat Joey biden 3rd world law the non-american people! WRITE IN: DONALD J TRUMP AS president 100% ticket! even if THE DONALD was in prison he WILL PARDON his self & wipe his record CLEAN of ALL WRONG doings such as WEAPONIZED the COMMUNIST democrat rulings! laws. we can then send ALL those people who crossed our boarder packing back to there country & BUILD THAT WALL to KEEP them out of our America! put Joey & family where they belong according to TRUMP! fine & put away all the TREASON the bides have done! GET THESE Red Coat same as the first British Red Coat COMMY's we now call England accept there NOT British Red Coats they are the COMMUNIST democrat NON-American Red Coats. in 1776 WE the People got our guns & shot & KILLED those first British Red Coats until they LEFT our SOIL! just as WE the People SHOULD DO RIGHT NOW! its the SOMETHING higher taxes, way higher prices, open boarders & now as of 2023 WEAPONIZED law! this WEAPONIZED law should have been the finale straw!!! open boarders was WAY BAD ENOUGH! a slap in ALL vets & American faces! Jan 6th 21 was NOTHING YET! today is 7-16-23!!

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