You are the Master of Your Fate in Death

1 year ago

You are the master of your fate in death. You are the author of your book of life. Through the beauty of the blood of Christ and the gift of repentance, you have the opportunity to rewrite any chapter of your life.

Truly, your history is in your hands.

This morning I woke thinking about a memorial I will go to in Alaska soon. I thought about Don and where his life in Christ started and how he ended. I thought about his "Book of Life" and what Heaven recorded.

You know, there is a Great White Throne of judgment where we will all stand before the LORD to give an account. Truly, each of us is the author of our book of life. Guess what, there is a "deadline."

How does your story read thus far? Is it fiction, fantasy, mystery, drama, action-adventure or a love story? Are there any chapters you want to rewrite?

The question is, what will heaven have recorded? Know this, when Jesus returns He brings rewards with Him. They will be given based upon the works heaven has recorded.

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