ElectionOversight: Maricopa Secret Testing Video

1 year ago

from electionoversight substack

I'll note a few things here. Idk who's right and this gets harder to understand the more you think about it. But electionoversight in this video is not clear on what specifically violates what law/EPM req, as per Donofrio that there are different requirements for SoS/State and county level L&A. Lake's legal team agrees with them on some level FWTW because the appeal went forward challenging these tests.

On Oct. 11 Maricopa & Hobbs each tested the 5 spare tabulators. Then they did the supposedly-secret tests starting Oct 14, which Lake's team recorded from the public livestream. Are they really secret, if they were on public livestream, well they weren't announced, but they were on livestream, what does the EPM say about that? That an L&A test must be "open to" candidates, officials and the public. SO you'd have to prove they couldn't access the livestream, which you can't. That's an out!

Very (intentionally) poorly written EPM. I think Leo's right that these guys like Jarrett are diabolical geniuses who get stuff like this written in to give them an out if it ever goes to court.

Donofrio says SoS tested the software programs, and set Maricopa certification in the EPM to ONLY COVER THE HARDWARE and maybe not even all of it. But if you watch this vid, it doesn't look like they tested the hardware/actual precinct tabulators in the statutorily required L&A (see date req's below), and this would indeed be something to be contested. They tested spare tabulators only. Actual tabulators that ran Nov. 8 were tested Oct 14 and later. But much of the video discusses testing the software on the tabulator, which Donofrio says is not part of county cert only SoS. However, county and SoS cert both required by statute to be tested Oct 11?? Yes, "between 34 and 27 days before the election). A.R.S. § 16-449(B)." Then "the officer in charge of elections may not deploy any electronic voting equipment in a federal, statewide, or legislative election that has not successfully passed the Secretary of State’s L&A test. " So is the SoS L&A broken by the testing??

ElectionOversight say the SoS cert must take place AFTER county cert, but the EPM language further specifies "whenever practicable". That's an out! Tested logged and sealed. So when was the SoS cert? If it was 27-34 days before Election Day, as EPM requires, then these memory cards, seals and software were all changed afterward.

Dominion manual probably required for HAVA or EAC (??) which is another conversation.

There was supposed to be a response to Donofrio from elec.oversight, it never came, & Donofrio blocked all of them. Every lawyer in Arizona is terrified to have anything to do with this. So the bottom line is the public needs more info and we're probably not gonna get it or at least, not for a while.

If you have free time & want to get to the bottom of it, keyword-search the EPM:
#karilake #electionoversight #maricopa #secrettesting

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