Kärttynä: Vanha kivennapalainen 🤬itutuslaulu

1 year ago

Karjalainen mieskansanlauluryhmä Kärttynä esittää Lapinlahden Lintujen tv-ohjelmassa listahittinsä Vanha kivennapalainen vitutuslaulu. (2.5.1992)

Old Finnish boys *cunting* song

In the morning I should go to work
but I don't think I'm up for it

Now I'm going to **get my head full**
may it cost what it costs

Here comes a group
who is burdened by sorrow

If the feeling gets worse
I will soon be dead

so so and so so
I got fooled again
yes yes and yes yes
oh how its *cunting* (me)

Where are all the women hiding
when you wanna fuck

Oh satan ***perkele*** hell that
and *cunt* ****god help****

*Word "vitutus" is idiom. The base word is "vittu" which translates to "cunt". But in this case, it means pissed off, depressed and annoyed state of mind. English doesn't have a real equivalent for it. I'll go with "cunting" anyways.

**"Vetää pää täyteen" is idiom. Literally, it means "Get my head full" but it really means to get really really drunk... So drunk your head is full. Eh?**

***Perkele is a curse/bad word. It refers to Fenno Baltic pagan god of thunder.
the devil (Agr; yl.) 'Teufel (bes. als grober Kraftausdruck)', devilish ~ ink ka devil 'devil, devil; crude swear word' | va devil ( sm t. ink) id., ( Tsv) pe̮rku 'hell, underworld' (rev. vi) | vi põrgu 'hell, underworld', (murt., ositt. ? sm ) pergel, põrgel 'devil' (sm also lpN bærˈgâlâk (E R Pi Lu In Ko) 'devil (swear word)' and Swedish pärkel, pärkkel(e)), and elder. 🇩🇰 perkild id.)
Baltic, cf. 🇱🇹 perkū́nas 'god of thunder, thunder', perkū́nija 'thunder', 🇱🇻 pērkons, mpr percunis id. — There are also two 🇩🇪 loan originals suggested for the word, but these are less likely. damn). — Sm (ink ka) conductor -le is probably omap. and secondary; The origin of the Baltic has been suspected on the basis of differences in conductor material (cf., however, SM murt. Perkuna (placed. VarsSm) — which may also coincidentally look like a Baltic loan source, down to the conductor — and VI (old) perkun); The word sm has a lot of evasive and euphemistic variations, as well as contamination due to mixing with different swear words, e.g. perkula, perkule (Lönnr 1880), perkale, pirkale, pirskale, perskatti, pirskatti (cf. helkatti), persetti (cf. ass), pentele, peeveli (see Ass). executioner) and the already mentioned perhana , perkuna (cf. also helkkuna), and, above all, the devil (see here).

****Jumalauta is a curse/bad word. It literally means 'God help (me)' but as it is forbidden in the bible to say gods name for mundane reasons, so using it that way makes it a curse word.

#LapinlahdenLinnut #shorts

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