Top 5 Weird But True Facts Did You Know Will Astonish

1 year ago

Top 5 Weird But True Facts Did You Know Will Astonish You
You may not believe us, but they’re true WOW
1. Almost two-thirds of the earth’s surface is covered by water.
2. Water is the only substance on earth that is lighter as a solid than as a liquid.
3. The Sahara, one of the world’s largest and driest deserts with sand up to thirty feet deep was once a land with flowing rivers, humid swamps and lush fields.
4. Iceland is an island that is built of lava from volcanoes.
It has major eruptions every 6 or 7 years.
5. There are actually giant waterfalls under the ocean.
The largest is between Greenland and Iceland.
This submarine waterfall drops 11,500 feet (around 3500 metres) which is three times the height of any land waterfall.
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