10-year-old driver pulls off ridiculous wheel in sand rail!

8 years ago

Don't let the age fool you - 10-year-old Ellery Gordon has some serious motor skills. Watch him perform a quarter mile wheelie at 55 mph in a sand rail while at Glamis Dunes in California. Incredible!

In vehicle acrobatics, a wheelie, or wheelstand, is a vehicle maneuver in which the front wheel or wheels come off the ground due to sufficient torque being applied to the rear wheel or wheels. Wheelies are usually associated with bicycles and motorcycles, but can be done with other vehicles such as cars, especially in drag racing and tractor pulling.

The first wheelie was done in 1890 by trick bicyclist Daniel J. Canary, shortly after modern bicycles became popular. Daredevil Evel Knievel performed motorcycle acrobatics including wheelies in his shows. Doug "The Wheelie King" Domokos has accomplished such feats as a 145-mile wheelie.

Watching this video, at first we thought that maybe the kid just wants to try it out, see what it is like. But when we saw that wheelie, especially on an unstable terrain as sand, we think that all that mumbo jumbo his dad is telling him at the beginning of the clip is just for show. Clearly, young Ellery is already a pro at this, and he is only 10! Wow!

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