Clever Parents Surprise Three Children With A Fourth Sibling

8 years ago

Announcing the arrival of a new baby to the family can be nerve wracking for the parents, but in this five-member-family ‘the more the merrier’ motto applies! A dad filmed each one of his three kids talking about their pets, but they had no idea what was the outcome of this video. So here is the final version and their reaction to the big news!

We have seen many videos of couples throwing parties to announce their pregnancy to unsuspecting friends and relatives, breaking the news that they are expecting their first kid, the surprises range from really cheesy to utterly adorable!

Once this couple found out about their fourth pregnancy they wanted to break the news to their three children. Expecting parents came up with a neat way of breaking the news to their children. They decided to set up an interview in which children would be asked to talk about their pets.

Unsuspecting siblings were filmed on camera talking about their pets with sparks in their eyes. We have three cats Abby, Oliver and Clover, says one of the boys, and I have a hamster, her name is princess Sprinkles, adds the girl. We are going to get five chickens and a dog, continue the kids, and the little boy says ‘and a baby human’, repeating after his parents! When they hear the news about the new addition to the family, kids ask ‘a new baby?’ ‘When?’, in October, repeat the parents!

When these adorable children realize that their mom is pregnant with their third sibling, their reaction is absolutely priceless! What a wonderful way to share good news with your children!

Of course, the girl asks for another sister, and jokes that if she has another brother she is going to die. However, they are all happy and excited about the new addition to the family!

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