Homosexuals Hate God, the Bible, and True Biblical Christianity

1 year ago

Homosexuals Hate God, the Bible, and True Biblical Christianity.Militant Mob of Homosexuals Target Repent America

America is in trouble with God. We have sinned against God as a nation, by allowing homosexuality to flourish in society. Homosexuality, which was once viewed as contemptible and disgusting, is increasingly being viewed as "an alternative lifestyle." No, Biblically it is a wicked sin.

New York's City Council Speaker, Christine Quinn, said (as quoted by the Associated Press in the article to the right)... "A few hateful homophobes will not set us back."

Hateful homophobes? You mean Christ-honoring Christians like Michael Marcavage? Homosexuality is a horrible sin, and something to be greatly ashamed about. As born-again Christians, we are commanded to refute (Greek, "elencho," to EXPOSE—Eph. 5:11) all works of darkness. Homosexuality is a Satanic work of darkness, a menace to society.

In these apostate days in which we live, evil men and women are working relentlessly to legalize homosexual marriage, and to homosexualism America's children. I've been required to work with several homosexuals in my lifetime at various secular jobs. They all had several things in common:

Total resentment for the Word of God
A hateful spirit towards Bible-believing Christians
A violent temper
Total lack of moral guidance (anything goes)
Very opinionated and outspoken
I'm not saying this is true of every homosexual; but, it is true of the one's I have worked around. My personal observations are confirmed by statistical reports that link homosexuality, violence, and child abuse.

NAMBLA Exposed!

Frightening Gay Statistics

Violence and Homosexuality

Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

I'm not trying to be unkind to homosexuals; but the statistical evidence against them is extremely disturbing. There are many reasons, apart from the Bible, why homosexuality is horribly wrong. For one thing, every child needs a mom and a dad.

I feel sorry for the two little girls in the photo to the right. They are growing up with "two mommies"; but, without a father at home. Every child NEEDS both parents (a mother and a father) to properly identify their own sexuality. It is crazy for anyone to even suggest that two women, or two men, can properly raise a child. It cannot be done.

They may provide materially for the child's needs; but, nothing can replace a loving relationship between a mom and dad (a male and a female). Another reason why homosexuality is obviously wrong is because two women, or two men, cannot reproduce. This FACT alone reveals the utter nonsense of the claim that homosexuality is "natural." There is nothing natural about homosexuality. Nothing!

"For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." -Romans 1:26-27 (King James Bible)

Homosexuality is a sin! Don't make God angry by saying that it isn't! Homosexuality is perverted, sick, and immoral. Those who commit the abomination of homosexuality will bring the judgment of God upon themselves ...

"Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." -Romans 1:32 (King James Bible)

The theme of New York's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride March was "The Fight For Love and Life." What a misnomer! What a lie! They are not fighting for love or life, they are fighting in rebellion against God. A married man may fall in love with another woman; but he has no Biblical right to commit adultery. Even if two women were to fall in love with each other, and desire intimate relations--the Word of God condemns homosexuality.

If a person sincerely believes that they were born genetically "gay," then the Bible calls them to a life of celibacy, because homosexuality is an abominable sin unto God. No person is born homosexual; but we are all born with a sin-nature. No man is born a thief, or a murderer, or a liar, or a homosexual—these are all sins that mankind has the capacity to commit; but, it is because of his sin-nature, not because he was hopelessly born that way.

Everyone is tempted to commit certain sins at various times; but, God has given us laws (commandments) to live by. Just because a man has a desire to steal something, doesn't make it acceptable for him to do so. Just because a woman wants to commit adultery with the neighbor next door, doesn't give her a Biblical right to do so. And just because someone has homosexual desires, doesn't make it Biblically acceptable. Homosexuality is a vile sin, referred to as "sodomy" in the Old Testament (named after the wicked city of Sodom—Jude 1:7).

It is not surprising that the heathen world is trying to condone homosexuality; but, we as Christ-honoring believers must take an uncompromising stand against this evil sin. Jesus taught love; but, He never taught compromise and acceptance of sin. We read in Hebrews 1:9 concerning Jesus... "Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity..." Jesus HATED INIQUITY. Jesus does love all sinners; but, He hates their sin equally.

It is evil that anyone would refer to a Bible-believing Christian as a "hateful homophobe." We are NOT hateful, we simply are proclaiming what the Word of God teaches. Even apart from the Bible, the frightening statistics are cause for concern. Such sicko organizations as NAMBLA are NEVER criticized by the homosexual community. This speaks volumes against homosexuality in itself. Birds of a feather flock together, and the heathen are uniting once again in rebellion against the Lord, just as they did at the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament.

We are not hateful Christians, we are obedient Christians, obeying Ephesians 5:11, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." If you want to see who's hateful, watch this video. We are NOT homophobic Christians, we are legitimately concerned citizens who want to protect out children from these perverts. The entire world is now aware of the massive amount of child-molesting which has occurred in the Catholic Church within the past few decades; BUT, what many people don't realize (and the newsmedia won't tell you), is that over 50% of all priests are also HOMOSEXUALS!

Let me close by saying that NO child will ever have "two mommies" or "two daddies." A child can only have ONE mommy and ONE daddy. A child may have a homosexual mother living in sin with another homosexual woman; but, it's impossible for a child to have two mommies. END

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