Activating The Greater Self : Chat with Cosmic Kari Star and Tracy of Phoenix Goddess Temple

1 year ago

Using the Command tools to allow the Greater Self to occupy the physical body.
This is the follow on from :
Today it is an invitation to summon and ‘own’ your GREATER SELVES.
Cosmic Kari Star of "THE GREAT CIRCLE OF DESIRE: The Sexual Phenomenon
141 Page Ebook
and Tracy from the Phoenix Goddess Temple join me to learn this activation.
You all know about your inner being, your higher self. I always felt that term deliberately attempting to keep us far far from this power.
Our power full self.
So I invite you to take part today. I will be doing my session first and then you are all invited to join me.
We are going to activate, to call in, to become FULLY AWARE of the greater self.

Because this task is enormous. And yet we CAN do it when in possession of all of our self.

The task: to repel the dark energy from our planet. Tomorrow 17.7.2023 I want to instigate that- with you.

The task to make its life here SO VERY difficult, that the lower echelons voluntarily check-out.

And the power to finally end what has been begun- I have SEEN it:

to have that BOZO dragged off in chains and taken off into the recycling bin.

(BOZO= devil, satan, AI “god”, dark draco-leader,)

There is one head-honcho and several very large minions,
and then there are the controlled humans left with a shred of humanity, acting as the Agent Smiths: the puppets.

They can either be soul-rescued ( more Source energy enters them and they awaken to the horrors of their perpetrations),
or they will leave the planet, bodies exhausted from their terrible entity take-over and the soul burden of their horrific deeds.

Isabel Aimee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
My post about Planetary change through the IMAGINATION and SOUL-TOOLS? here is the link to join in this work:

Topic: INSPIRITION: Activating Human Potential 8pm GMT session
Time: Jul 13, 2023 08:00 PM London
Every day, 7 occurrence(s)
Jul 13, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 14, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 15, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 16, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 17, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 18, 2023 08:00 PM
Jul 19, 2023 08:00 PM

this will be the first 40 minute session. We will take a ten minute break and open the same link for another 40 minute session
you may join every day if you wish, or just choose a session which suits you

the time has been designed to work with most time zones

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 827 9778 2914
Passcode: P0xg9T

And please do visit my website, for children’s books, adults books on aspects of home education, creativity and learning, music and courses, including the new modality of Activating Your Human Potential, so that you too can access your inner world and transform your outer one:

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