Wake up and free yourself from the Medical Industrial Complex

1 year ago

You are trapped in a health care system that doesn't care about your health and is solely designed to bill you as much as possible. You're just a number. Its a toxic system, keeping you sick so they can keep testing and continue indefinitely with pharmaceuticals. Free yourself from this corrupt system that is killing you, destroying your quality of life, and just keeping you alive to continue billing your insurance company. Learn to care for your own health and set yourself free!
Khabir Southwick- Naturopath, [Registered] Ayurveda Doctor (IAD), Ayurvedic Herbal Pharmacist (AHP)
If you need help to improve your health naturally and to address your health conditions, please get in touch with Khabir at info@khabirsclinic.com for more information. Services are available by appointment worldwide by Zoom, with herbal products mailed.
For more info., fees and to schedule see::https://khabirsClinic.com
Call or text: 805-858-9222
To purchase Khabir's products, visit https://HerbManTeas.com
or text or call 800-347-0737
Khabir Podcast: https://herbmanteas.podbean.com/
Khabir Southwick - T.N., C.A.S., A.P., A.H.P., P.A.C.E. Provider Traditional Naturopath (TN), Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist (CAS), [Registered] Ayurvedic Practitioner (AP), [Registered] Ayurvedic Herbal Pharmacist (AHP), [Registered] Professional Ayurvedic Continuing Education (PACE) Provider. Khabir Southwick is an internationally known Naturopath, Ayurvedic healthcare practitioner, and herbalist with a successful consulting practice in Ojai, California. He has over 27 years of experience and training in alternative health care and medicinal herbs.
For more information, see: https://khabirsclinic.com/home/khabir-southwick
Testimonials: : https://khabirsclinic.com/recommendations-by-others
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