ASL Recommends: Wargames Atlantic

1 year ago

We take a look at Wargames Atlantic Halflings, Skeletons, Romans, Conquistadors, Giant Spiders, Lizardmen, Horses, Les Grognards, Rebel Yell, and more.

Wargames Atlantic has some of the best deals in 28mm miniature wargaming, with a huge variety of excellent hard plastic box sets in the historicals, fantasy, and science-fiction space, including excellent substitutes for the Warhammer, Frostgrave, Stargrave, and Napoleonic ranges you are used to. And at $10/month, Atlantic Digital is a no brainer for 3d printing enthusiasts.

Halflings: 6:03
Lizardmen: 10:58
Skeletons: 16:19
Giant Spiders: 19:10
Sci-Fi Giant Spider: 21:40
British Riflemen (Sharpe's Rifles): 22:58
Late Roman Legionaries (Lorica Hama): 27:10
Contra Goonhammer: 30:01
"In this house we believe...": 31:58
Conquistadores: 32:17
Atlantic Digital (3d Print) offerings: 35:16

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