1st John 2-15 Verse of the day

1 year ago

The first day of the week, Sunday July 16th 2023 Verse of the day 1st John 2-15.
1Jn 2:15  Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 

Turn my retardation down, get quiet with God, crack those Bibles open, and delve deeply into the words written by the Apostle John.

This is pretty funny. I woke up today crying real tears, whining and complaining to God, in need of a great big ol WAAAAAAAAAAmbulance.

For non English slang users - these are exaggerated terms meaning I woke up with questions for God that I could not answer, and was pleading for help, yet not with the faith required to keep my soul content with our Lords peace, yet rather with wild words of desperation, as if God is not almighty or something. It was just plain ridiculous on my part. I was being foolish with my pleas for help. And I was being the literal embodiment of "Oh you of little faith."
So I composed myself from the troubles that hit me yesterday, and did the verse of the day.

The verse of the day explained every whiny question I had this morning in a way that I was not prepared for yet had already been told repeatedly, with other words LOL.

God is good ALL the time.

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