Article Video - The Condition of the Damned - Saturday, July 8, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Condition of the Damned - Saturday, July 8, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Let me tell you what I see when I am walking down the street in a small city, Anchorage, Alaska, with a population of about 250,000.

About half the people smile, and half look away as if annoyed or look unhappy and worried.

Those who smile don't always have a genuine smile or seem to see me. It's more of a habit or reflex for about half of those who smile. And I can see that.

So, only about a quarter of the people on the street in Anchorage meet my eyes for a second and smile back with any genuine recognition.

Some of those take a second-take, or pause in stride, or turn to look after me. It has been so long since they made actual energetic contact that they are involuntarily shocked, as if I actually physically touched them in passing.

But, of course, it was just a smile exchanged.

Or was it?

A smile is just an outward sign of feeling, but what feeling and what kind of smile was it? Was it love and goodwill? Or joy? Or a mask hiding malevolence? A smile can be enigmatic, as Leonardo da Vinci taught us.

My smile isn't enigmatic. It's genuine. I am actually paying attention as I pass smiles around like free chocolate chip cookies, made of positive energy. That positive, intentional energy hits the energy field surrounding the person I am smiling at with the slightest amount of resistance.

Like a calling card, my smile gets checked out and a split second judgment is made whether or not to let that little chocolate chip cookie of pure energy in, or, will the intended recipient bounce it off?

It's always a question --- one waitress accepts my "cookie", another does not. One bank teller out of six stops to take a second look and smile back. That I am actually noticing all this and keeping track of the responses I get may seem a little odd, but then, I was born to be a mathematician or some kind of scientist.

And life is an endless opportunity for observation.

So I observe.

As I got older, my scope of vision changed from being superficial, focused on things like what kind of jeans or tennis shoes a person wore, to much more personal and important attributes.

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