VegaPaluzza Run + Yogurt Via Coupons

1 year ago

It was going to be titled Veg + Pizza Run, but I misspelled it on the first go'round as Veg + Puzza Run, resulting in me fixing it to VegaPaluzza Run + Yogurt Via Coupons.

Please donate if you can. I truly do want to be compensated in one way or another for whatever began in 2011 and, to some degree, still continues. It was HELL for 8 years at the very least. Never one moment of peace in all those years, I was running around this city like a chicken with her head cut off.

Please donate to Venmo @Erin-Vans, or check out my services via Mistake or Design Intelligence! Assessing communities everyday to ensure peace and functionality for all of human kind.

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