Aliens & you. 👽👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️

1 year ago

Well, things sure have changed since 2020 huh? Lot's of high strangeness. Things just ain't like they were before the pandemic. The world is in turmoil. The oppressors and Tyrants aren't even trying to hide the wickedness they want to do. Get ready, because it's only just begun. They, evil, kingdoms of the world, will ramp their wickedness up.

You'll see unbelievable things coming upon the Earth. Things you just can't believe, right infront of you. It's coming. It's happening.

The Bible says to walk by faith (belief) not by sight. The questions then become "how's your faith" & "what do you believe?"

The truths coming are going to shake your faith & make you question what you believe.

Ask self this question "how can you recognize a lie if you don't know the truth?" You then say "how can I know the truth?" The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth B.I.B.L.E. tells you plainly that Jesus Christ is the way, truth & life. He sent his spirit of truth to help you. You can know the truth by knowing Jesus Christ and his spirit will help you know him. And when you get in the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ then you are in the spirit of all truth.

I believe this to be the truth through much research, study and prayer.

I pray this blesses you, the listener, and is like the tip of the spear which breaks through and reaches your spirit.

Prayerfully consider all in this video.

Bless you.

"Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?"
1 Corinthians 6:3 KJV

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