…parents push back @ lbgtq @ school?

1 year ago

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parents push back @ lbgtq @ school
09.05 who controls the world
09.20 what does the prife flag mean
10.20 Two Pakistani men have today been jailed for life in Greece for gang-raping a British 18-year-old woman on her sun bed after she went for a morning swim on holiday.
10.55 prime drink
11.34 kids found on trailer
12.35 im ready
12.38 illegals we have had enough
12.51 illegals More 26 officers were wounded yesterday after being attacked by rock-throwing illegals the city of Gießen in Germany
13.43 illegals hotel
14.01 illegals get out
14.19 illegals Gang of illegals laughed with pride as they assault Portuguese boy in an antiwhite attack
14.44 French girl (17) gang-raped for 8 hours and her male friend (16) beaten by five illegals
15.33 how a remittance coupon works
17.10 healthy drinks
18.40 have bibles been altered
20.06 from his own mouth
20.21 french fries causing anxiety
21.21 f e how the moon effects earths tides
21.53 Epic Freudian slip
22.32 electro culture and more
23.32 dont let them cut the umbilical cord
25.13 dont do it
26.02 digital passport being pushed
27.24 devil truth
28.23 cop gets battered by illegal
29.47 clones
30.32 clean water machine
31.53 citric acid originated from
32.55 chinese intel glasses
33.18 children found with paedophiles
35.12 child trafficking
35.35 chicken
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38.04 check out the sun
39.36 cells voltage
40.10 cbdc coming is it
41.37 cathedrals energy conductors
42.25 caster oil
43.13 car propeller
43.57 canada immigrant riots
44.13 canada fires caught on film
44.43 canada fires
45.43 calafornia losing its mind
47.00 british flag on floor lbtq
47.24 body builder dead
48.04 biggest tyre cemetery
48.56 biden laptop report
49.55 9.11 what happened
50.25 8 best acupressure points for pain
51.25 4 cops sex with kids
53.02 define female

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…parents push back @ lbgtq @

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