BUD REVIEW: “Training Cannabis Plant Branches - Bending Basics How To”

1 year ago

Watch H's review of Lex Blazer's "Training Cannabis Plant Branches - Bending Basics How To" from back in October of 2015! Plant training is becoming more and more popular but Lex was ahead of the game when he published this video. Over 900k views to date, it's clear this was a popular video for grower's to check out but...are the techniques used back then still recommended today?

See what remains true from 8 years ago; what H would suggest to improve on AND; myths that have been completely BUSTED.

Shoutout to Lex Balzer for the original video which can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42JiCwGBrDs&list=PPSV

Let us know in the comments which video H should review next!

Happy Growing :)

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