001 Soca Wining Artform

1 year ago

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In this session I teach you the art of Wining.


Wining is the national dance trinidad and Tobago. Wining is believed to have originated with a combination of the African slaves.

Over the years the dance of has evolved with many different trchniques as the music changed.

Personally at someone trained and skilled in the art form most of the wining in not true wining.

🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 Okay so before we move on, how is WINING spelt. Wining is not spelt like "WHINE" as into nag but "WINE" as in drink.

The origin of the meaning.

People would drink Sweet wine and chase their lovers. The act symbolizes the energy a person releases when gearing or charging up to make love.

Some would say in modern terms unleashing the Kundalini. Although that association is never made in Trinidad, you can see it in the dance. The act of "WINING" ensues when the lovers copulate.

Vulgarity n Wining

Wining is not meant to be vulgar. lf it's vulgar it's not wining. lt's a different dance.

Some of the things that wining is benefivial for is:

1. strengthening your pelvic floor.
2. shaking off Witchcraft.
3. Strengthening your abdominal muscles
4. Building you thighs and your butt.
5. Increasing sexual strength endurance and stamina.
6. Removing stress that is kept in your root Chakra.
7. Fertility.
8. Increasing blood flow to your sex organs.
9. Stronger, longer, and more intense orgasms.
10. Changing your energy field.

Whenever a person really immerses themselves in wining their mood changes. They finish extremely happy!!!!

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