Family Circled By Great White Shark While Boating On Lake

9 years ago

While boating on Lake Macquarie in Australia, this family is visited by a looming great white shark that slowly circles the boat. The massive shark is easily 2.5 meters long and very interested in the attention it's getting. Listen to this family's hilariously nervous commentary as they never let the massive creature out of their sight!

As scary as sharks may seem, they are an essential part of the delicate balance of the ocean's ecosystem. They help keep the oceans food web in check by consuming on older, weaker species that are a deterrent for other fish. When witnessing a shark, there is really nothing to fear as Hollywood likes to portray them as big, ferocious killers when in reality there are generally peaceful creatures if unprovoked.

Sharks are some of the worlds dwindling animal populations that need to be saved. They could go extinct within this century if we are not careful. No animal deserves to be extinct as a result of our carelessness.

Aside from all the serious stuff, this family's reaction to spotting the majestic beast is hilarious. The kids are panicking, with one of them threatening to turn the boat around! The only calm one her seems to be the father, as he keeps reassuring his family that everything will be alright.

On the topic of sharks, take a look at another video of these wonderful remanences of Earth's prehistoric predators. A Great White shark rams into diver cage and the brave people inside try to remain cool. Watch!

A small group of divers is submerged in a cage underwater in an attempt to view these large majestic creatures up close and personal. The camera swings left to right tracking a great white as it contemplates if the cage is something it is able to push through. The shark gives the cage a nudge to see if it can be moved out of the way. The divers inside the cage can be seen ducking down low to avoid the shark as much as possible.

One diver has his hand near the edge of the cage when the great white turns to leave and he then ducks down low to avoid the curious great whites eyes. The show is then soon over for these adrenaline junkies as the great white swims away, a visible sigh of relief is shown across the divers' faces. The camera follows the great white shark as it slowly disappears back into the great blue sea. A flurry of smaller fish and nurse sharks can then be seen darting around in a panicked motion as they all could have fallen prey to the massive great whites appetite.

Luckily for the divers, the cage was strong enough to withstand the great whites weight pushing up against it. Giving them the best view in the house for their own personal Shark Week. Perhaps this isn't something for the faint of heart, but the thrill of seeing such a creature up close and personal would be a once in a lifetime event for most people.

Would this be something you would like to try on your next holiday, or is simply sightseeing as risky as you want to be?

The raw power behind a great white shark is nothing to be sneezed at, they have been known bite chunks of out yachts and sink inflatable dinghy's.

Please share this video with your friends and family as they will surely not want to miss this!

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