How to Make Mini Pita Pizza

9 years ago

School is back in session and pizza parlors everywhere are rubbing their hands with anticipation for all the late night college orders soon to be coming their way. Dorms may not be the easiest location to cook…anything, BUT we've put together a SUPER easy pita-pizza recipe that you can make with an improvised cutting board and a toaster oven. Here's what you'll need: Pita Bread Green Bell Pepper Mushrooms Red Onion Tomato Sauce Baking Tray Grated Cheese (Dealer's Choice) Sliced Black Olives Basil Leaves Start by pre-heating your oven to 425 degrees then slicing your vegetables. Place your pita on your baking tray and slather your tomato sauce on top. Lay down some cheese, slap on some veggies, then top with more cheese. Place your pizza(s) in the oven and cook for 10-12 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown.

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