4th Reich Oppenheimer Hoax + Einstein Hoax + Nuke Hoax Part 5 (TeslaLeaks.com)

1 year ago

Hahahaha. Another scam... They put out this move because so many people know Nuke's are fake. See my posts on Nuke Hoax Part 1-5. My first post on Debunking Einstein being in 2015. Nikola Tesla debunks Albert Einstein Spooky Action at a Distance & Faster than Light https://nikolateslasolar.blogspot.com/2015/10/nikola-tesla-debunks-albert-einsteins.html?view=flipcard In fact, my post used the same picture of that ball with wires going everywhere, sitting in a shack. Stating "What a piece of crap"! https://img1.wsimg.com/isteam/ip/918f07ac-1db0-4331-beb6-38981fc22c54/Nuke.jpg June 13th 2023 Black Pilled! Everything You're Taught in Schools is a Lie ft Nuke & Gravity Hoax Part 5 by Chief Justice https://www.bitchute.com/video/BO5zCXzPcwXI/ October 9th 2022 NUKE HOAX PART 2 BY CHIEF JUSTICE - FT ELECTRIC ARC AIRCRAFT USED ON 9/11 https://www.bitchute.com/video/CtMHBhiDhdzA/ June 27th 2021 TeslaLeaks.com Debunking Einstein + Nuke Hoax 3 by Chief Justice https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/teslaleakscom-debunking-einstein-nuke-hoax-3-by-chief-justice August 31st 2021 Nuclear Power Danger Hoax + Manhattan "Project Tesla" - Fusion https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/tesla-westinghouse-nuclear-power-danger-hoaxproject-independence -- March 21st 2022 4th Reich + Vatican + Scientology + Greenpeace created the Nuclear Scare Scam: https://teslaleaks.com/f/russia-israel-alex-jones-nuke-bomb-nuclear-power-danger-hoax September 11th 2022 Trump's Nuke Secrets "Classified At Birth" Atomic Energy Act 1946 https://teslaleaks.com/f/trumps-nuke-secrets-classified-at-birth-atomic-energy-act-1946 -- February 23rd 2022 Tesla-Westinghouse invented nuclear power & depleted Uranium https://teslaleaks.com/f/tesla-westinghouse-invented-nuclear-power-depleted-uranium (SNIP) The 4th Reich nuclear bomb hoax was presented in a movie entitled. https://www.bitchute.com/video/GbablTJLwt3N/ Projekt Huemul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8dfA0kuMiw The fear of the Nuclear Bomb Hoax is also run by the 4th Reich, and regularly pushed by the Vatican National Register.

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