Unseen Voice Calls Contestant's Name: A Paranormal Twist on Live TV

1 year ago

Big Brother contestant Cida Moraes hears her sister's spirit calling her name. She wasn't aware that her sister Gloria Maria Junqueira Moraes, ceased to exist 30 minutes prior. This mystery unraveled live on Big Brother Brasil 2, on June 3, 2002 around 2:45 pm. What's your story? Share your paranormal moment in the comment section. Submit your video, support, sponsor and more: https://lionsground.com/links 👈🏻


Big Brother contestant Cida Moraes hears her sister's spirit calling her name. She wasn't aware that her sister Gloria Maria Junqueira Moraes, ceased to exist. This mystery unraveled live on Big Brother Brasil 2, on June 3, 2002 around 2:45 pm. What's your story? Share your paranormal moment in the comment section.

This video is about Cida Moraes, she participated in the reality TV show Big Brother in 2002. A television show founded by Dutch media magnate John de Mol. A group of people are locked up for an extended period of time, monitored 24/7 by cameras and microphones scattered all over the place. Viewers can enjoy live entertainment, drama, or love, but one day, millions of Brazilian viewers witnessed a bizarrely mysterious and deeply sad moment that can be labeled as paranormal.

The contestant Cida Moraes was sunbathing in the garden. Suddenly she looks around her because someone or something is calling her name. She continues to look around her to find the source of the voice. The cameras and microphones did not pick up any sound.

For some time now, Thais Ventura has been standing in the background calling Cida, at one point. At first, Cida thought her sister was calling her name but felt relieved because she thought that Thais was the one who called her name. When Thais started talking to another resident, it turned out not to be the case.

Now, the moment that makes this story so mysterious and sad. The production had bad news for Cida, her sister ceased to exist 30 minutes prior Cida heard her sister call her name.

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