EMBRACE - East Elysium

1 year ago

©️East Elysium 2022


Music: Danilo Vuletić
Arrangement: Onur Hunuma (Turkey) and VesnaA Bozovic
Production and instruments playing (bass&guitar): Onur Hunuma (Turkey)
Vox production/back vocals: Akim Welsch (Germany)
Lyrics: VesnaA Bozovic

Video production: Astarte Nova & NGO "DRUM"
Camera: Vladan Božović, Choda Dalibor Peković, Mina Simonović, Olivera Savić, Nikolai Reuther and VesnaA.Božović
Directing/editing/grading: VesnaA.Božović
Assisting directing: Vladan Božović, Danilo Vuletić, Mina Simonović
Title/Logo: Anto Lutovac
Make up: Dobrila and Mina Simonović
Costumes: With thanks to Montenegro National Theater for allowing us to borrow these costumes and to the most brilliant Mima Pejović and Irena Ršumović for helping us choose the best ones for this song.

Without the beautiful people who appeared in this video, it would never have been possible to create it as it is: Mina Simonović, Sandra Josephine Šabotić, Sara Stevanović, Miloš Roćenović, Kristina Lalatović, Olivera Koprivica, Milena Gezović, Olivera Savić, Tanja Lopušina-Dedović and Dobrila Simonović.
East Elysium Band members: Danilo Vuletić (drum/bass guitar), Vesna Anastasia Božović (lead vox/harmonium), Milivoje Kljajić (lead guitar), Mina Simonović (back vox), Anto Lutovac (rhythm guitar), Dejan Milosavljević (keyboards/vox).


Looking through thus seeing
Distance within You
Fathom of myself within You….

Where is the Sand that shaped your Footprints
where is the Breeze that messed with your Hair
where is the Star that splashed its Spender into your Eyes
where is the Music that made you smile and cry…?

I want to embrace it all...

I shall hide, in your thoughts I shall hide
behind your smile I shall hide
in the poem you`d hear I shall hide
in the scent of you, I shall hide…

Traveling the Roads to Your Embrace
entering the Space of Pain and Joy
while whole World spins down my Veins
You always different unreachable
hidden in the Drop of my Tear...

Angels walk among us
the other Day i saw one
standing right next to me
telling me the Prophesy...
Angels live among us
I saw one in the Eyes of a Poet
I like talking to the Silence
.....in You...in me....
Exploring the Diversity of You
of Sorrow and Mirth
I like to see you smiling and free.......


Gledajući kroz, uvidjam
Udaljenost Tvoju
Dubinu sebe u Tebi…

Gdje je pijesak koji je oblikovao otiske Tvojih stopala
gdje je povjetarac koji ti je mrsio kosu
gdje je zvijezda zapljusnula svoj sjaj u tvoje oči
gdje je muzika koja te nasmijala i rasplakala ...?

Želim sve zagrliti ...

Sakriću se,
u tvojim mislima ću se sakriti
iza tvog osmeha ću se sakriiti
u pesmi koju bi čuo sakriću se
u mirisu tvom, sakriću se...

Hodeći stazama do Tvog zagrljaja,
ulazim u prostor boli i sreće
dok se cijeli svijet niz moje vene okreće
Ti, uvijek drugačiji, nedostižan
skriven u kapi moje suze ...

Anđeli hodaju među nama
pre neki dan vidjeh jednog
kako stoji pokraj mene
govoreći mi proviđenje…

Anđeli žive među nama
Vidjela sam jednog u očima pjesnika
Volim razgovarati s tišinom
..... u Tebi ... u meni ....
Istražujući raznovrsnosti Tebe,
tuge i radosti,
volim Te vidjeti
nasmijanog i slobodnog......Refren

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