Gaming is Art: Infamous Second Son #gaming #beautiful #ps5 #love #song #peace #art #overdrive

1 year ago

Gaming is an art form though the world may deride it as merely mindless entertainment. Games that are made with love by developers are truly beautiful. I absolutely love gaming. This series is being published to prove the world wrong.

This is the second entry in the Gaming is Art Series looking at the Ps5 game Infamous 2 Second Son. The gameplay was captured in 4k on the PlayStation 5. It features many scenes where Delsin Rowe is fighting, running, using his superpowers like neon powers and smoke powers, etc, just to encapsulate the beauty of the game into a short.

I love superpowers in video games. This game is very nostalgic and gives you the sense of nostalgia if you have played this series in the past. It brings back many memories of gaming as a child. The song is the new release by Post Malone called Overdrive.

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