Julie Green Shorts - Words of Encouragement - The Great Dam of Lies is Breaking - June 23, 2023

1 year ago

Remember, I gave a prophetic word the other day, and He gave me scriptures - gave me scriptures to get to you in Joel 2 about restoring the years. He is going to restore... this is part of that Greater Exodus that He's been talking about that will come to pass.

He said that no feeble among them in Israel; during Passover, He healed them of every affliction, of every oppression, of everything that the enemy did to His people spiritually and physically and financially. He freed them and restored everything to them that the enemy had done against them. This is a great revelation that God is giving to us. He is going to restore the years, don't know how but He will... He's going to restore our health, He's going to restore our soul because His ultimate thing is... what God wants is to make us whole.

Remember, how many times did Jesus say He wants to make you whole? Whole, wholeness, nothing missing, nothing broken, peace. He wants you to have nothing missing, nothing broken, and also says to lack nothing! To lack no thing... He wants you to have everything that He has promised to you. And that's what we have to hold onto right now. Again, He's telling us deny-deny-deny the enemy's power against you.

Alright, "My children, get prepared now for the flood of people that are about to flood into churches. Get ready spiritually to be able to receive the flood of the great harvest!" And what do we have to do? And for the body of Christ, one of the things that's running rampant around the world is selfishness; self-centeredness. What about me? What about me?

I know a lot of people are going through hell on earth, but if we, there's even been times where I was physically and spiritually attacked so horrifically bad I didn't know how to function and then God told me to go pray for somebody... Like, but how can I pray for somebody if I can't... He said, "Go pray for somebody... ...Sew that seed!" And I'd pray for somebody... in that same time praying for somebody, I was healed... I wasn't looking at me; I was looking at God... "Okay God, You said you were going to do this for me. I want to go, I just want to go and I want to lay hands on the sick because you said, 'They will recover...'" We look to Him! He's the author and the finisher of our faith...

Satan tries to get us to think of our own little bubble in our own little world, what's going on in our own life... ...to not think about the bigger picture and God is saying we have to be prepared for this big outpouring of the glory of Almighty God to bring in the people, but He needs us prepared... ...to be strong, to be confident, to be bold!!! That He will not leave us nor forsake us, but also He's given the ability and the power... remember, He's put us far above all principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world; we are not on the same page as our enemy... we're not on the same level; we are far above! Our enemies should be under our feet, and we had to realize that on a daily basis our enemy is under our feet!

If you have things going on in your own mind or you have things going on in your own body, if you have things going on in your family, if you have a family member that is going through hell on earth... ...remember, you have the Greater One on the inside of you! You speak life about that person; you speak life into that situation; you speak blessing into that situation; you speak abundance, increase, and more than enough! No matter what it is, you speak it and God is faithful to perform it!

We just have to focus on what God wants us to do! Because there are times you can be so bad under attack and not know what to think or what to do and God tells you to go do something... because it's part of that breakthrough... He's like, "Hey, don't keep your focus on that problem, keep your focus on Me! You keep your focus on Me! I will be able to manifest My glory in your life because you're not in fear, you're not in worry, you're not in that self-pity or you're not in that complacency, you're not in that 'I just have to put up with this stuff.'" God wants you free! He wants all of us free! ...And just... thinking of these children and what they're going through... The innocence that's being stolen from children is something I thought I would never see... ...And we... We need to start praying for that more... we pray for that on our prayer call but... ...we need to pray for the innocence of children to be protected!


prophetic word, scriptures, Joel 2, restoring, Greater Exodus, feeble, Passover, healed, affliction, oppression, enemy, spiritual, physical, financial, freed, revelation, health, soul, make us whole, Jesus, wholeness, nothing missing, nothing broken, peace, lack nothing, prepared, flood of people, churches, spiritual readiness, great harvest, selfishness, self-centeredness, pray for somebody, sew that seed, lay hands on the sick, recover, author and finisher of our faith, Satan, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, enemy under our feet, mind, body, family, breakthrough, focus on God, manifest His glory, fear, worry, self-pity, complacency, freedom, children, innocence, pray for protection

Link to original video: https://rumble.com/v2vwlp4-the-great-dam-of-lies-is-breaking.html

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