1 year ago

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#FinalFantasy #BoosterKiwi #Gaming


Everyone likes you chaos Jack his name is Jack yeah

oh spoilers [Laughter] come on come get me buddy go home gamer girl go home and gamer girl [ __ ] show so um we just watched the very Infamous gamergate episode of Law and Order because I've never seen it before I've always known of it but I've never actually seen it before may I just say Logan Paul did something worse than the suicide forest video he starred as a gamergate a rapist it was incredible there's so many quotable moments and games well done well done depicting them back some artistic Gamers tickled a woman's [ __ ] and when she was telling the police about it though she went they leveled up they leveled up they leveled up it was it was something else that show man all I care about is seeing chaos dead why I'm sorry every time he says chaos we may need a chaos counter hunger look at the power stance holy [ __ ] he looks like he's gonna commit some sexual assaults in the name of gamergate in the name of chaos travel Northwest and you will reach the chaos shrine foreign

[Laughter] [Music]

did you just change the difficulty just now no see

this isn't tough ride oh yeah yeah I just I just saw it yeah what's this this is the one time for a change all right time for a change time for a change

even kick something cheers

even the way he opens the chest kisses Mickey Mouse's uh jacket from Kingdom Hearts yeah

it's true he just closed why like two dick [Laughter] this is the greatest game of all the time bro I mean I don't know I don't know there is a black guy in this and uh I feel like that's ruining the game I feel like they're trying to you know it's kind of it's JW yeah I feel like they're trying to push their politics onto US yeah because you know we know what happens like can there be a like a a slide bar where we can make him more white I'll just I'll just increase the brightness

oh no I don't know I just I don't think I can have my kids play this game if they're gonna have this agenda first down there I'm just saying if you grew up watching like wrestling and He-Man

yes let's uh make sure that alienates as many people as possible with this video shall we I'm trying to see if you'll use fire on me so I can like grab one of his attacks but he's going after the guys instead he's attacking the boys look at the boys

I don't even need to participate this is like oh my Lord this is X gon give it to you man that was uncomfortable I felt like I was witnessing a hate crime booster what would you do in the end credits where like Jack is throwing doubts and it's a picture of you but he's throwing doubts up they only only saying chaos isn't defeated yet blade

I would uh go to my clothes and get on my keyboard and be prepared for you for the oncoming battle and I would get you as my party members you and Mio uh we'd go on adventure do I do I have to talk like a duck no you're normal voice is silly enough oh wow I seem like you don't have the same like way of speaking for me

I'm far more refined I do I will say booster sounds a lot more English than what I do need a fact checked on that dude uh me or do I sound more English than pickles oh listen all you white people sound the same thing I knew it I knew he'd go for that son of a [ __ ] even even me and even me and shabby sound the same as to him yes

exactly the same no different crisis MCU funds when the uh when he's not when he's not approaching the fire gun is it warm in here or is it just me

good thing there's plenty of kindling around the dialogue is great mcgu friends when they're not saying he's a good doggy

not you we're really turning this into an mcuh video huh MCU funds where they when they don't say that was close or uh could that have gone any better or oh I think that went well and so you found someone they don't say I've got a bad feeling [Laughter]

bucks you're right suck

I'm seeing is like some sausage party and I you know I am a far-right Christian and I'm against this I know how far right and Christian you are speaking of Christians uh how's Christian doing

how the hell did that lead to that because it's called Christian oh no he's still in jail right um she dude oh yeah she may have raped her mum with it with her penis [Laughter] I can't say that with a straight face wait are we going to reach the point where he plays Limp Bizkit on his phone

[ __ ] me hey no okay come on you're taking it my [ __ ] instinct is to run from the Tom berry

I'm guessing this is worse from the characters yeah tomber is a terrifying all right one hit you man

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