Calculation in Statism | Among the Finest Inventions of the Human Mind

1 year ago

#statism #calculation #accounting

We calculate to arrange action. No man can determine what is to be produced or how much without calculation. It must be done in order to know what are the best means available to remove an uneasiness. Calculation can’t tell you how to produce something, but it’s required to direct resources to the most urgent areas. All other attempts to calculate are superfluous. Calculation without property is impossible.

Technological innovations can tell you how to build something but that’s it. A technological innovation can tell you how to build a new car, but it can’t tell you what materials to use, what processes, how many to build, or should it be built at all. Only property can bid away resources to where they are most urgently needed. It would be impossible to determine these if resources, such as materials and labor, couldn’t be bid away.

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