53 - Yasher 37 and 38 - Mighty Men Begin To Roar On The Earth (part 1)

1 year ago

This portion of the book of Yasher which we are covering today is one of my very favorites; it is a shadow picture of things to come. Yehovah is now raising up mighty men [His servants, the good shepherds] who will serve only Him; mighty men whom He can use to take back all the earth for Himself in the coming last days. The mighty men found in these chapters are men that the world has not seen in a very long time. They are just like the mighty men described in Joel 2.


My goal is always to promote Yehovah's image and kingdom in the earth; and to that end I began my http://weareisrael.org/ website 5 years ago. I have hundreds of articles on a large variety of topics for those who are new to Torah and for those who have studied it for many years. Please visit there now.

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