Long Fast Round 2: Day 15

1 year ago

5th July 2023

Full update with waste videos 💩 found at my Rumble channel (link in bio).

SEEMINGLY NEVER ENDING VITALITY! I am just amazed at how good I feel, I honestly feel so energised, full of vitality and stamina. Today I taught my usual Saturday morning classes, one of which is quite high intensity with a lot of demonstrating. I then went home and weeded an extremely overgrown garden for a good 3+ hours, still not feeling any fatigue.

It truly makes me assess everything we beLIEve about food, as in the fasted state you really do connect in with our true source, that of creation.

Detox symptoms:
• Kidney pain
• Slight urinary pain

Tools I used today to combat detox symptoms:
• Enemas
• Oil pulling
• Dry brushing
• Castor oil pack

• Mental clarity
• Maintained stamina and vitality

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