Have a listen to Amanda Vollmer

1 year ago

We hold zooms daily 5- 10 est - YOUR Zoom Room at 5 -10 PM Daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 or phone in 647 374 4685 meeting Passcode: SwT80C - ID 694 548 9985

Anarchy is based on co-operatives and principles.

Anarchy No Masters all Equal, Bring No Harm. Natural Law - Live life free and live by Natural Law

The only real life experiment of Anarchy survived for thousands of years until the Predators destroyed everything. Their Greed and Parasite quest for control has shown us what we DO Not Want!
Now we Must organize to build what was stolen from us and return to a Lawful system.

Where the men and women set up their own system with NO government.

They will be a success - but it will create its own problems if a few decide to be deceivers.

Anarchy is based on co-operatives and principles.
As such, it will create a rather successful society - the various co-operatives are a demonstration of this.
The problem is that in anarchy, those people who are members of the co-operatives, are organized, while those who do not belong to a co-operative /community may feel not as important. This will be a educational problem for a while but in time they will all realize they will have to work together and protect each other,. What his means is when unlawful men and women commit harm will have to be delt with.

Anarchy was crushed by the self-appointed Kings, Royalty and Fascists. Then Communist treason. The Communists, backed by Royals using Stalin, crushed Anarchy and set up a coercive dictatorship. It led into a complete demoralization in what we see now - the people did no more care who held the power, they considered the Nationalists as the lesser evil to the Communists, and they only wished the war would end. But even today, Anarchy has support by those who realize the freedom and liberty this will restore to every man and women!

The difference between Anarchy and Democracy. Is Democracy is MOB Rule and Mobs create dictatorships. They also feel they have the right to steal another's wealth for their own agenda. Democracy is the root of all evil. Then when you are toppled by a corrupt system as we have now. They sue democracy to control the masses into believing they have they authority when they have no more authority than you!

Anarchy opposes external coercion and Authoritarianism. Perhaps the most important is that Anarchy support cooperation with others and if they agree with building commnites that benefit everyone equally they will support the ideas or projects. Anarchy will not support corruption or boondoggles as it must be.
Direct democracy is also MOB rule , cohesion will still undermine liberty. History has proven that any form of mob rule will enslave man and women.

Formations of parties and similar organizations, while most democracies today are indirect and parties are the leadig cause of hardship for millions.

To recognize these fundemnatl flaws is how we ensure we never fall back into the trap of an Oligarchy. as an important part of democracy.

Anarchy Principle

Anarchy Principles are a set of ideals established by Natural Law. Society of Equitable Pioneers. The Pioneers are considered founders of the cooperative movement because of their commitment to making organizational standards that do not infringe on anyone's unalienable rights. While not the first group to bulk order food, they establish Natural laws and publish them so their is NO Confusion. an annual report. These Principles are the basis for the cooperative principles that can be used around the world to this day. The Principles may be adopted International and formation of Co-operative Alliances

1. Voluntary and Open Membership : Cooperative Societies must have open and voluntary membership. The Principles established important all men and wone are treated equally and have the right to choose to participate or NOT. There is no force of hand, but logically man and women will want to participate for the good of the community or aliances to better the world. These are important motivations and rewards to expand co-operation.

2. The Principles mandate that cooperatives must have the consent of each man and women and also never be able to force any man and women against their consent! This gives al men and women the right to participate in the decision-making processes of their cooperative. One member = one vote. Or in simple terms if the sovereigns want to participate, they may so , and if they do not, they do not have to.

3. Economic Participation : Men and women equitably contribute the capital to their cooperative. That capital is common property of the cooperative and the men and women usually receive some compensation. Surplus economy (i.e. profits) are managed by the members who participate to develop the cooperative, support other organizations, or returned to the men and women if they want their profits.

4. Autonomy: The Principles state that cooperatives must be autonomous and independent. If men and women enter into partnerships with other co-operatives or organization, they are 100 percent lawful. As no man or women has nay authority over nay one. What a concept.

For instance, if a cooperative enters an economic partnership with another organization, that organization does not gain control over decision making, regardless of the sum they have contributed. Decisions are always made by members. of the co-operative.

5. Education, Training and Information: Cooperatives must provide education and training to their members. Additionally, cooperatives provide information and education to the public about the nature of co-operation.

6. Cooperation among Cooperatives: Cooperatives are autonomous organizations, but they work together to facilitate communication across cooperatives and strengthen the cooperative movement.

7. Concern for the Community: Cooperatives must be responsible partners for their communities. Decisions must benefit the larger community.

It is Time we all organize with the Educated Men and Women.
Below are videos and contact emails for Men and women in different locations. Reach out to them and if you would like your name and email added Please Contact us. Time is now for us to organize to End this Madness !

Most of Do not ever want any form of Government -- Natural Law -

We hold zooms daily 5- 10 est - YOUR Zoom Room at 5 -10 PM Daily https://zoom.us/j/6945489985 or phone in 647 374 4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985
SHARE to end this shit show thank you https://rumble.com/v2vcrf0-june-20-2023.html
Share to educate more men and women. Here is a collection of Important Information to Actually End the Tyranny!
We have added both Youtube and Rumble channels. as many of you know Youtube deletes facts!!!
Alberta Fires Update -Time to Restore law
Christine Ireland This is the year we are Not Escaping this!
Is This The Most Important Video in The World
Adrien Thomas & Dallas Hills discuss UNDRIP, First Nations, Indian Act
Serena Bear, & Dallas Hills discuss You are the government
Introduction To Constitutional Conventions
Ian Cameron Freedom Network @ Dallas Hills Self Sufficient Not Sustainable Death!!!!
Every Canadian Must See - Canada a Country Without a Constitution
Back To the Future - with Dallas Hills
The Canadian Deception
Time to End the Globalist System with FACTS!
Canadian Bill of Rights , Charter of Rights & Notwithstanding Clause
Kim Carlson the Government is Not your Government !
Every Canadian Must See- Comments have more info - Stan McDonald and Richard Vobes
Dr 'Daniel Nagase' Why hasn't Justin Trudeau Been Arrested YET!
Magna Carta: The Ugly Truth
Rima Laibow, MD , Jake Jackson @ Dallas Hills discuss Solutions and Unity
We have an opportunity to use the viewers of this show to bring more together. Point them to Constitutional Conventions site to research more information.
Once more are educated how we are truly enslaved under the Corporation of Canada the faster we may be able to end this Tyranny!
Thank you
Please contact us if you would like us to email and help promote an event.
We also are asking if organizers would like their emails added so they may be connected in their local areas.
Its our time now as millions are pushing back and have become more educated!

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