Episode 1363: Holy Face of Jesus

1 year ago

As you know we just celebrated St Veronica and explained the story of her veil. Also on Shrove ("to impose penance" or "to hear confession.") Tuesday, which is the day before Ash Wednesday. Shrove Tuesday is also known as Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday, we celebrate the holy name of Jesus.
But did you know there is a powerful devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus?
The story of the Holy Face of Jesus that led to a devotion is closely associated with the Catholic tradition and the concept of devotion to the suffering of Christ. The Holy Face devotion focuses on contemplating the face of Jesus, particularly his face during the Passion and Crucifixion.

The origins of the Holy Face devotion can be traced back to the Veil of Veronica. As you all know, as Jesus was carrying his cross to Calvary, a woman named Veronica stepped forward and offered him her veil to wipe his face. As Jesus accepted the veil, an image of his face was miraculously imprinted upon it.

Over time, this evolved into a widespread devotion to the Holy Face, as believers contemplated the image of Christ's face, imagining the suffering and love it represents. The devotion gained popularity during the medieval period and has continued to be practiced by many Catholics throughout the centuries.

One significant figure associated with the Holy Face devotion is Sister Marie of St. Peter, a Carmelite nun who lived in the 19th century in Tours, France. Sister Marie received visions from Jesus, urging her to promote the devotion to his Holy Face as a means of reparation for the sins of humanity. By contemplating and honoring the Holy Face, believers could console Jesus and help alleviate the sufferings caused by sin.

Sister Marie's visions and messages were compiled into a book called "The Golden Arrow," which detailed the devotional practices associated with the Holy Face devotion. She encouraged the recitation of prayers, such as the "Golden Arrow" prayer, which aimed to console Jesus and make reparation for the blasphemies committed against his Holy Face.
"May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most incomprehensible and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored, and glorified in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen."
In addition to Sister Marie's influence, the Holy Face devotion was further popularized by the efforts of a French laywoman, Leo Dupont, also known as "The Holy Man of Tours." Dupont promoted the devotion and established a chapel dedicated to the Holy Face in Tours, where he encouraged public veneration and organized devotional practices.

Since then, devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus has spread worldwide, with many Catholic churches and organizations promoting it. The faithful engage in prayers, novenas, and acts of reparation to console Jesus and honor his suffering. The devotion aims to foster a deeper understanding of Christ's sacrifice, his love for humanity, and the need for repentance and reconciliation.

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