NFS Unbound: Why you SHOULDN'T play it......

1 year ago

In this video, we're going to be discussing the Need for Speed game, NFS Unbound. We're going to be discussing the game's pros and cons, and whether or not it's worth playing.

If you're a fan of the Need for Speed series, then you'll want to check out this video. We'll be discussing the game's pros and cons, and whether or not it's worth playing. We'll also be detailing the biggest mistake the games makes. So if you're thinking of purchaisng or just dont know why this game feels off... this is the video to watch.
I played this on PS5.

0:00 - Intro
1:02 - Asthetics / design
2:54 - Cars / Customization
4:22 - performance customization
5:06 - Gameplay / Racing
6:38 - Police
7:52 - Map
8:41 - Story
10:15 -Worst part
12:10 - Is it good?

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