Amerigeddon - You Were Warned (2016) - HaloDocs

1 year ago

Amerigeddon (Full Movie) (2016) Dina Meyer | Dianna Ladd | Geiovannie Cruz|India Eisly |Chuck Huber

Not available on Netflix!
A fictional depiction of a future wherein a globalist terrorist organization aligned with the United Nations to disable the United States' power grid and institutes Martial Law. It will take a dedicated family of patriots armed with strong survival skills and the remains of the Second Amendment to save America and reclaim its freedom.

Giovannie Cruz (The Suicide Squad), India Eisly (Underworld Awakening) Chuck Huber (Dragon Ball Z) , Dina Meyer (Starship Troopers), Mike Norris, Diane Ladd (Wild at Heart), AnnaLynne McCord, Marshall R. Teague (Road House), Alex Jones (Scanner Darkly)

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