Psalm 51 v1-12 of 19 "After thy loving-kindness, Lord, have mercy upon me" To the tune St Kilda

1 year ago

Scottish Psalter
Psalm 51 verses 1 to 12.
This is a bit rough. It was contains recordings of worship which were never intended to be performances. The obvious break in the middle reflects the fact that this is two recordings spliced together. It is hoped that combining these might help someone memorise the whole psalm or memorise it again in the Scottish Psalter version.
tune: St Kilda
Falkirk Free Church
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondences.
William Grommé - Nathan the prophet renounces the sin of David (2 Samuel 11-12)
William Brassey Hole - The sorrow of King David (2 Samuel 12)
William Brassey Hole - Saul when the Spirit of the Lord had departed from him. - (1 Samuel 16)


1 After thy loving-kindness, Lord,
have mercy upon me:
For thy compassions great, blot out
all mine iniquity.

2 Me cleanse from sin, and throughly wash
from mine iniquity:
3 For my transgressions I confess;
my sin I ever see.

4 ’Gainst thee, thee only, have I sinned,
in thy sight done this ill;
That when thou speak’st thou may’st be just,
and clear in judging still.

5 Behold, I in iniquity
was formed the womb within;
My mother also me conceived
in guiltiness and sin.

6 Behold, thou in the inward parts
with truth delighted art;
And wisdom thou shalt make me know
within the hidden part.

7 Do thou with hyssop sprinkle me,
I shall be cleansèd so;
Yea, wash thou me, and then I shall
be whiter than the snow.

8 Of gladness and of joyfulness
make me to hear the voice;
That so these very bones which thou
hast broken may rejoice.

9 All mine iniquities blot out,
thy face hide from my sin.
10 Create a clean heart, Lord, renew
a right spirit me within.

11 Cast me not from thy sight, nor take
thy Holy Spirit away.
12 Restore me thy salvation’s joy;
with thy free Spirit me stay.

13 Then will I teach thy ways unto
those that transgressors be;
And those that sinners are shall then
be turnèd unto thee.

14 O God, of my salvation God,
me from blood-guiltiness
Set free; then shall my tongue aloud
sing of thy righteousness.

15 My closèd lips, O Lord, by thee
let them be openèd;
Then shall thy praises by my mouth
abroad be publishèd.

16 For thou desir’st not sacrifice,
else would I give it thee;
Nor wilt thou with burnt-offering
at all delighted be.

17 A broken spirit is to God
a pleasing sacrifice:
A broken and a contrite heart,
Lord, thou wilt not despise.

18 Show kindness, and do good, O Lord,
to Zion, thine own hill:
The walls of thy Jerusalem
build up of thy good will.

19 Then righteous off’rings shall thee please,
and off’rings burnt, which they
With whole burnt-off’rings, and with calves,
shall on thine altar lay.

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