A Benjamin's a Gibson.

1 year ago

All of my praise and thanksgiving to The Almighty One, The Eternal Father of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.
I've taken years of slander and extortion over the perspectives I've shared, concerning the Mormons and their #BluescreenDaydream and #EpsteinNeverExisted
In one of my posts pinned to my Minds dot com channel I've clearly stated the who and the why of it all.
The day is coming, brothers and sisters.
If you think this (the uncovering of the movie sound of free dumb) is hard to accept.....
Brace yourselves.
The truth of Epstein never existing is gonna be a thousand times harder.
And the hardest part to accept is.... this has all be necessary for the purification of of our civilization.
The Mormons aren't "bad".
A FreeMason's not "bad".
It's you.... who's been "bad".
Brace yourselves, brothers and sisters.
Ya best ta git caught up on what I bin tellin' alla this time out here at The Ends Of The Earth.
And, thank my poor sweet mother.
If not for her scalpeling that rfid outta my upper inner thigh when I was a kid and leaving me ta become a runaway, I would've never bin able to share anya this with any of you.
A Thresherman woulda consumed me.
The only reason ANYONE'S able ta connect a Mormon ta ANYA this is because I was cut loose and abandoned by my poor sweet mother, so long ago.
So, don't thank me.
Thank my mother.

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