Trekking in Aconcagua When... a Bit of a Landslide

9 years ago

Description Info: Hikers scramble up the valley sides just in time to escape a flash flood.
Info From Licensor: "It's a 3 day trekking, group is arriving to basecamp 1, guides are helping the tourist to cross the creek. Julián Insarralde (guide with white shirt and cap) starts to listen a noise airplane like, that's why he's looking once and again to check it out until he confirms it's a landslisde (riverslide?) and rushes everyone out.
That landslide calmed down and after 40 minutes we could cross, while waiting in those 40mins other 2 similar landslides occurred. After 2 days, when we were coming back from the excursion, everything was normal. A week later, on different weather conditions, the same creek was frozen."
Location: Aconcagua Park, Mendoza, Argentina
Occurrence Date: January 27, 2015

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