There is the Q board, and then there are "Anons" anonymous people.

1 year ago

This is the second time I've seen a public person provide a distinction between Q and anons. How refreshing is it to see someone who's actually read the drops speak about them? Roseanna also says she saw Sound Freedom early on and met Jim years ago. Based af.
"There's no such thing as Qanon. There is the Q board, the Q drops, the Q map. And then there are anonymous people.
Most sane people don't want to traffick children as sex slaves.
We've got to go to the upper echelon.
It's all about the tippy top. It's all about the tippy top. What I call the phalicratic pyramid feudalism of pharaoh."

I don't think I ever imagined that Roseanne would become this based.

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