The Bridge With Nick and Dylan Episode 020 with Laura Eisenhower & Laura Worley

1 year ago

Today We have the pleasure of Having Laura Eisenhower Back, with her Friend Laura Worley.
Laura Worley is an MK-Ultra Survivor, and an Author of 2 Books, Puzzle Pieces to Cabal Mind Control and Slavery, and Part 2, Puzzle Pieces Together A manual and Pathway to Freedom.

This Was an interesting conversation for Nick and I, as we get a real time opportunity in speaking with someone who is speaking and working with MK-Ultra Mind control subjects on a daily Basis, This conversation is a perfect representation of the Darkness in which has been overlayed on our planet for Thousands of years.

We Bring this conversation to you, as we are truly attempting to be the Bridge from one Realm to another, a past way of knowing the Self to a Future way of being. Some conversations may be Raw, May even be uncomfortable, But we offer our light, and our perspectives as we move toward a Purer un-distorted Humanity.

We love you all!!

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