July 14, 2003: Plame Affair begins

1 year ago

More on that Conviction:

During the course of the Plame Gate/CIA Leak investigation Cheney’s chief of staff Irve “Scooter” Libby was found to have perjured himself in front of a Grand Jury. What it boiled down to was that Libby had told investigators that he didn’t know that Wilson’s wife was in the CIA and there was evidence to prove that he did so they charged him and he was found guilty.

As this was not at all related to who leaked what and why, this was labeled a politically motivated prosecution by Libby’s defenders while the prosecutors maintain that perjury is a crime and so they were right to prosecute him.

Under pressure from VP Cheney and others in the Republican party, Bush commuted Libby’s sentence but it was left to Trump to issue a pardon.

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