Article Video - The Framework Under Consideration -- Final Summation By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Framework Under Consideration -- Final Summation - Wednesday, July 5, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

The British Monarch continues to act as the Overseer of the Pope's Territorial, that is, Commonwealth, interests, to this day, and administers those positions as a "Prince" with the Pope being the "King" over him. This position has grown since the days of King John from simply administering Commonwealth lands in England to administering Territorial lands worldwide and sitting on the Chair of the Estates --- that is, all the Dead Baby Estates -- created worldwide by the dual public and private interests being unconscionably created by private contracts which present themselves as registrations obtained under conditions of fraud and non-disclosure.

This results in a situation where the Pope is the majority Principal in the District of Columbia Corporation and majority interest holder in the District of Columbia Municipal Corporations --and under Ecclesiastical Law, he is also the owner and operator of all corporations, not limited to the Municipal Corporations in question. Thus, the British King acts as Administrator and Middleman -- and gets a healthy 40% cut for his services overseeing the Church's Commonwealth (also known as Territorial) property, with 60% of receipts going to the Holy See and the same general arrangement has long pertained to profit shares from the City of Rome administrators of the Empire of the Cities.

The Municipality of Washington, DC, an unauthorized independent international city state perched on our East Coast, runs its government as a Municipal Corporation that, like the foregoing situation with the British Monarch privately working for the Pope, is brokered by the City of Rome.

One might think of the British Territorial Municipal Corporations as all the various USA corporation franchises, and the City-operated Municipal Corporations as all the various US corporations and their franchises, though this is all much more complex and interwoven in reality.

Think of a round target with a red circle in the middle. That's the Municipal Government. Then imagine a blue ring around the center circle. That's the District Government. Now, imagine a larger yellow circle around the first two elements. That's our American Subcontractor, missing since 1861, the Federal Republic.

It was all supposed to be functioning in an honest and cooperative fashion, but instead, corporations have been used to foster a variety of non-consensual evils and usurpations against the actual lawful government of this country and many other countries, too.

In our case, neither the Territorial nor the Municipal Corporations are functioning within the limits set by the Constitutions that originally created these entities nor are they functioning within the Use Permits that established the District of Columbia and the City of Washington within it. Both have "gone rogue" and participated in a wide variety of unlawful and criminal activities that have impacted the British Homeland, our country, and the former Commonwealth countries, and most of Western Europe and Japan, too. Since the Second World War this pattern of commercial corporations being used to substitute for and usurp upon the lawful governments has spread worldwide, and the evils engendered by Lord Purbright and Cecil Rhodes in South Africa a 140 years ago, have simply grown and proliferated in various institutions to become a world-spanning nightmare.

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