Action Extreme Gaming - Pocky and Rocky 2: Stage 4 - Bridge Over the Kappa River [With New Random Music] Reupload

1 year ago

Action Extreme Gaming - Pocky and Rocky 2 Stage 4 - Bridge Over the Kappa River [With New Random Music]

I forgot all about this Video from my Desktop Folder Collection,heres one of my old Pocky and Rocky 2 videos I did way back in

My Random Playthrough of Stage 4 in Pocky and Rocky for the Super Nintendo Developed by Natsume,which is the sequel to the Original Pocky and Rocky.

For this stage I'll be Playing as Both Sayo Chan (Pocky) and Little Ninja (Shinobi) and using Various Different music from Different Games and J-pop Music.

Just to let you guys know,each Stage in Pocky and Rocky 2 had Alternate Branch Paths you can take similar to Final Fight 3 to give the sequel more replay value variety compared to the first game. For example in the "Kappa River" Stage,there are two alternate paths you can choose on the go as you please to each Impy,the stage Boss,however the difficulty will differ depending on which you choose which I'll show you guys each path you can take.

for example,if you take the Right path,the stage will be much shorter and much more easier,but you';ll miss opertunities to find some secret items and weapons,but if you take the left path,it's much longer and more difficult with more enemies to deal with,but you'll be rewarded with more secret items you can find=P


Songs I used

Dragon Slayer IV Arranged Soundtrack

"Orchid Garden", 80's J-pop Song by Emi Akiyama

秋山絵美 「蘭の園」

Ran no Sono

Panorama Cotton (Sega Genesis) Soundtrack - Stage Clear theme

Magical Taruruuto-Kun (Sega Genesis Version) Soundtrack - Stage 2-1 ~Lake~

"Labyrinth of Eye", 80's J-pop Song by Yui Asaka



Idol Hakkenden (Nes/Famicom) Original Soundtrack

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