Hunger is a weapon. Who is threatening the political elite? Biden's crimes.

1 year ago

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In this YouTube video, the speaker delves into the crimes committed by the ruling gang in the United States and highlights the manipulation and control wielded by the elite. They discuss how hunger has historically been used as a powerful weapon to compel obedience, citing examples such as concentration camps and instances of cannibalism during times of starvation. The speaker calls for accountability and replacement of leaders who fail to handle issues effectively, including natural disasters, rising prices, and wars. They condemn crimes such as the use of digital currency and forced vaccinations while urging viewers not to be afraid of calling out criminal actions by those in power. The video also addresses the degradation of the education system and negative impacts on the economy. The speaker accuses the current president of engaging in criminal activities and emphasizes the importance of speaking the truth and taking action to protect society and future generations. They discuss the need to inform law enforcement and military about the crimes committed by the ruling elite, as their support is crucial to the elite's power. The speaker suggests that revealing the truth will eventually lead to the loss of the elite's power and discusses manipulations targeting immigrants and white individuals seen as a threat to their dominance. Additionally, they touch upon forced genetics manipulation as a means of creating obedient individuals. The speaker challenges the notion that the elite's power or wealth has been legitimately threatened and encourages critical analysis of information. They also emphasize the importance of sharing thoughts and opinions through alternative communication platforms in case of channel blockage.

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